General Information

Software type: Solution as a Software (Saas)
Geography: 🇪🇺 Europe


Qonto is a European business finance solution. It offers banking, financing, bookkeeping and spend management solutions to SMEs and Freelancers.

Configure Qonto


  • Obtain a Client ID, secret, staging token from Qonto. The connector requires an Oauth2 authentication, which needs to be configured by Qonto.
  • Activate the Qonto integration on the Chift platform.


  1. First of all you will need to register your application with Qonto. Qonto will provide you the OAuth credentials of your application. You can expect an answer within a few days. This can be done here.
    • If you choose to use the sandbox environment you will only have access to sandbox instances. So you won’t have access to any of the accounts that you have in production.

    • Fill the all the informations needed into Qonto’s form until you reach the scopes section.

    • To be able to properly use the connector, you will need to requests the following scopes:

      organization.readTo be able to get some basic information about the organisation needed by the Chift connector
      client_invoices.readTo be able to access the invoices related to your customers
      client_invoices.writeto be able to create some new customer invoices
      client.readTo be able to access the list of existing customers
      client.writeTo be able to create new customers
      supplier_invoice.readTo be able to access supplier invoices
    • For the redirect URL please fill the following value:

  1. Once you receive a response from Qonto, you should get a file that will include some values that you will need to activate the connector in the Chift back-office. The required parameters are:
    • client_id
    • client_secret
    • x-qonto-staging-token (only if you made your request on their sandbox environment)

(You should also see a list of redirected URIs that should match the ones you send in their form)

Connect Qonto

To activate a connexion with Qonto, users will have to go through the following steps.

Limitations & Exceptions

  • Qonto does not really support the notion of suppliers.

Qonto coverage

/contacts Live

/contacts/{contact_id} Live

/contacts Live

/invoices Live

/invoices/{invoice_id} Live

/invoices Live

/taxes On request

/taxes/ On request

/products On request

/products On request

/products/ On request

/opportunities On request

/opportunities/ On request

/payments On request

/payment-methods On request