General Information

Software type: Solution as a Software (Saas)
Geography: 🇫🇷 France


Pennylane centralizes in real time all the financial flows of companies and facilitates the collaboration between managers and their accountant. Deliver the Pennylane integration your customers want in no time.

Configure Pennylane


  • Have an OAuth2 application on a Pennylane account (a sandbox is provided by default when requesting Pennylane for an OAuth2 application but not mandatory to activate the API route)
  • Activate the Pennylane integration on the Chift platform.


  1. Request Pennylane for a sandbox account with an OAuth2 application by completing this partner form here
    • Question: “are you a?” / Response: Software Editor
    • Question: “describe the integration” / Response: Create journal entries in Pennylane for the different kind of transactions done in our software
    • Question: “your callback URL” / Response:
    • Question: “What email address can we reach you at?” / Response: provide here the email of the person who will be the owner and manager of the pennylane account which enables the integraiton via Chift. If you already have a Pennylane account, let Pennylane know of it. Nonetheless, they will always create a separate environment for your partner sandbox
  2. You will receive two emails from Pennylane: one to activate your sandbox account and a second one, with a one password link to provide you with your: Client ID and Client Secret. (store safely)
  3. Encode your Client ID & Client secret, in the connector page on your Chift account. The same key is to be used for staging and production.

Test Pennylane

To test the software integration, you can use the sandbox provided in the configuration steps.

Connect Pennylane

To activate a connexion with Pennylane, users will have to go through the following steps.
French article: Help Center - Pennylane FR English article: Help Center - Pennylane EN

Pennylane coverage

/financial-entries Live

/matching Live

/attachments Live

/folders Live

/outstandings Live

/journal/entries/{journal_entry_id} Live

/suppliers/{supplier_id} Live

/suppliers Live

/vat-codes Live

/clients/{client_id} Live

/suppliers/{supplier_id} Live

/clients Live

/clients/{client_id} Live

/journal/entries/multi-analytic-plan Live

/journal/entries Live

/chart-of-accounts Live

/invoices/type/{invoice_type} Live

/invoices/{invoice_id} Live

/employees Live

/journals Live

/journal/entries Live

/clients Live

/financial-entry Live

/invoices Live

/suppliers Live

/analytic-plans Live

/analytic-accounts/multi-analytic-plans/{analytic_plan} Live

/analytic-accounts/{analytic_account_id}/multi-analytic-plans/{analytic_plan} Live

/analytic-accounts/multi-analytic-plans Live

/analytic-accounts/{analytic_account_id}/multi-analytic-plans/{analytic_plan} Live

/journal-entries Live

/miscellaneous-operation Live

/bookyears On request

/invoices/multi-analytic-plans On request

/invoices/type/ On request

/invoices/multi-analytic-plans/ On request

/invoices/multi-analytic-plans/type/ On request

/analytic-accounts On request

/analytic-accounts On request

/analytic-accounts/ On request

/analytic-accounts/ On request

/journal/entries On request

/journal/entries/multi-analytic-plans On request

/invoices/id//payments On request

/miscellaneous-operation On request

/miscellaneous-operation/ On request

/matching-multiple On request

/invoices/pdf/ On request

/chart-of-accounts/balance On request