Update flow settings for a specific consumer
API Reference Overview
- GETGet consumers
- POSTCreate new consumer
- GETGet one consumer
- DELDelete one consumer
- PATCHUpdate one consumer
- GETGet executions information for one consumer/flow/sync
- POSTRetrieve the url of a sync for a specific consumer
- GETGet sync information for one consumer
- GETGet execution data for a specific consumer and a specific datastore
- POSTAdd data into a datastore for a consumer
- DELDelete execution data for a specific consumer and a specific datastore
- PATCHUpdate execution data for a specific consumer and a specific datastore
- GETGet Folders
- GETGet Bookyears
- GETGet Analytic Plans
- GETGet clients
- POSTCreate client
- GETGet one client
- PATCHUpdate client
- GETGet suppliers
- POSTCreate supplier
- GETGet one supplier
- PATCHUpdate one supplier
- POSTCreate sale/purchase entry
- POSTCreate sale/purchase entry (Multiple plans)
- GETGet invoices by type (sale/purchase entries)
- GETGet one invoice (sale/purchase entry)
- GETGet one invoice (sale/purchase entry - Multiple Analytic Plans)
- GETGet invoices by type (sale/purchase entries - Multiple Analytic Plans)
- GETGet analytic accounts
- POSTCreate analytic account
- POSTCreate analytic account (Multiple Analytic Plans)
- GETGet analytic account
- PATCHUpdate analytic account
- GETGet analytic account (Multiple Analytic Plans)
- PATCHUpdate analytic account (Multiple Analytic Plans)
- GETGet analytic accounts (Multiple Analytic Plans)
- GETGet journal entries
- POSTCreate Journal Entry [Deprecated]
- GETGet journal entries (Multiple Analytic Plans)
- GETGet one journal entry
- POSTCreate Journal Entry
- GETGet payments by invoice ID
- GETGet journals
- GETGet vat codes
- GETGet miscellaneous operations
- POSTCreate miscellaneous operation
- GETGet one miscellaneous operation
- POSTMatch entries
- POSTMatch multipe entries
- POSTAttach a document (PDF)
- GETGet chart of accounts
- POSTGet the balance of accounts
- GETGet employees
- POSTCreate a financial entry [Deprecated]
- POSTCreate a financial entry
- GETGet clients/suppliers outstanding items
- GETGet attachments
Point of Sale
- GETGet all customers
- GETGet one specific customer
- GETGet all products
- GETGet one specific product
- GETGet one specific product variant
- POSTUpdate available quantity
- GETGet all locations
- GETGet all orders
- POSTCreate an order
- GETGet one specific order
- GETGet all payment methods
- GETGet all product categories
- GETGet all tax rates
- GETGet all countries
- GETRetrieve all invoices
- POSTCreate an invoice
- GETRetrieve one invoice
- GETRetrieve all taxes
- GETRetrieve one tax
- GETRetrieve all products
- POSTCreate a product
- GETRetrieve one product
- GETRetrieve all opportunities
- GETRetrieve one opportunity
- GETRetrieve all contacts
- POSTCreate a contact
- GETRetrieve one contact
- GETRetrieve all payments
- GETRetrieve all payment methods
Update flow settings for a specific consumer
Route that can be used to update the flow configuration for a specific consumer. It will merge the new configuration with the existing one.
This access token needs to be included in each of your request to the Chift API.