Get invoices by type (sale/purchase entries - Multiple Analytic Plans)
Returns a list of invoices by a specific type (=sale/purchase entries) with invoice lines including multiple analytic plans. Optionnaly dates can be defined to retrieve invoice from a certain date to another date
This access token needs to be included in each of your request to the Chift API.
Path Parameters
An enumeration.
, customer_refund
, supplier_invoice
, supplier_refund
Query Parameters
Journal Ids used to filter the invoices. The Ids are separed by ','
Indicate if payments linked to the invoices should be included in the response. By default payments are not included and the field payments is null.
, false
Extra filter to retrieve invoices with a specific payment status.
, unpaid
, paid
Retrieve invoices created or updated after a specific datetime (e.g. 2023-01-31T15:00:00 for 31 of January 2023 at 3PM UTC). UTC is the only format that is supported on all connectors.
Accounting folder ID, this needs to be passed when activating the multiple folders feature.
x > 1
1 < x < 100