Get one client
Returns a specific accounting client
This access token needs to be included in each of your request to the Chift API.
Query Parameters
Accounting folder ID, this needs to be passed when activating the multiple folders feature.
Bank account number of the client.
Only used when the client is an individual (is_company=false). Indicates the id of the company linked to the client.
Indicates the currency of the client (e.g. EUR).
Only used when the client is an individual (is_company=false). Indicates the first name of the client.
Only used when the client is an individual (is_company=false). Indicates the function of the client.
IBAN Account number of the client.
Indicates if the client is an individual or a company.
Format: ISO 639-1 codes.
Only used when the client is an individual (is_company=false). Indicates the last name of the client.