Get journal entries
Returns a list of journal entries. Each item will include the analytic account linked to default analytic plan. Optionnaly, you can retrieve journal entries linked to a specific client/supplier using the partner_id parameter. When retrieving entries linked to a specific client/supplier, some journal items of an entry (e.g. a miscellaneous operation) could be excluding resulting in an unbalanced journal entry.
This access token needs to be included in each of your request to the Chift API.
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
An enumeration.
, false
Accounting date from which the journal entries will be retrieved (this date will be included in the response). This parameter is mandatory if the 'updated_after' parameter is not provided.
Accounting date until which the journal entries will be retrieved (this date will be included in the response). This parameter is mandatory if the 'updated_after' parameter is not provided.
When provided only journal entries modified or created after this datetime will be retrieved (this datetime will NOT be included in the response). E.g. 2023-01-31T15:00:00 for 31 of January 2023 at 3PM UTC, UTC is the only format that is supported on all connectors.
Accounting folder ID, this needs to be passed when activating the multiple folders feature.
x > 1
1 < x < 100