Get one invoice (sale/purchase entry)
Returns a specific invoice (sale/purchase entry). Each line will include the analytic account linked to default analytic plan
This access token needs to be included in each of your request to the Chift API.
Query Parameters
Indicate if payments linked to the invoice should be included in the response. By default payments are not included and the field payments is null.
, false
Accounting folder ID, this needs to be passed when activating the multiple folders feature.
Indicates the currency of the invoice (e.g. EUR).
Due date of the invoice. We use the value of the invoice date if the value is not available/empty in the accounting system.
Accounting invoice date. It is automatically set to '1970-01-01' if the value is empty in the accounting system.
An enumeration.
, customer_refund
, supplier_invoice
, supplier_refund
Indicates the journal used in for the invoice. If the journal is not given, the journal will be automatically set if only one journal exists otherwise an error will be thrown.
Number of the invoice. If left empty, will be automatically generated by the accounting system at creation.
An enumeration.
, draft
, posted
, paid