Create supplier
Create a new supplier
This access token needs to be included in each of your request to the Chift API.
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
Indicate the ID of the corresponding client/customer in the accounting system. Accounting systems using 1 entity to handle clients/customers and suppliers will merge the existing client/customer with the new supplier (if the parameter is filled in with the ID of an existing client/customer).
Accounting folder ID, this needs to be passed when activating the multiple folders feature.
Bank account number of the supplier.
Only used when the supplier is an individual (is_company=false). Indicates the id of the company linked to the supplier.
Indicates the currency of the supplier (e.g. EUR).
Only used when the supplier is an individual (is_company=false). Indicates the first name of the supplier.
Only used when the supplier is an individual (is_company=false). Indicates the function of the supplier.
IBAN Account number of the supplier.
Indicates if the supplier is an individual or a company.
Format: ISO 639-1 codes.
Only used when the supplier is an individual (is_company=false). Indicates the last name of the supplier.
Bank account number of the supplier.
Only used when the supplier is an individual (is_company=false). Indicates the id of the company linked to the supplier.
Indicates the currency of the supplier (e.g. EUR).
Only used when the supplier is an individual (is_company=false). Indicates the first name of the supplier.
Only used when the supplier is an individual (is_company=false). Indicates the function of the supplier.
IBAN Account number of the supplier.
Indicates if the supplier is an individual or a company.
Format: ISO 639-1 codes.
Only used when the supplier is an individual (is_company=false). Indicates the last name of the supplier.