API Reference Overview
- GETGet consumers
- POSTCreate new consumer
- GETGet one consumer
- DELDelete one consumer
- PATCHUpdate one consumer
- GETGet executions information for one consumer/flow/sync
- POSTRetrieve the url of a sync for a specific consumer
- GETGet sync information for one consumer
- GETGet execution data for a specific consumer and a specific datastore
- POSTAdd data into a datastore for a consumer
- DELDelete execution data for a specific consumer and a specific datastore
- PATCHUpdate execution data for a specific consumer and a specific datastore
- GETGet Folders
- GETGet Bookyears
- GETGet Analytic Plans
- GETGet clients
- POSTCreate client
- GETGet one client
- PATCHUpdate client
- GETGet suppliers
- POSTCreate supplier
- GETGet one supplier
- PATCHUpdate one supplier
- POSTCreate sale/purchase entry
- POSTCreate sale/purchase entry (Multiple plans)
- GETGet invoices by type (sale/purchase entries)
- GETGet one invoice (sale/purchase entry)
- GETGet one invoice (sale/purchase entry - Multiple Analytic Plans)
- GETGet invoices by type (sale/purchase entries - Multiple Analytic Plans)
- GETGet analytic accounts
- POSTCreate analytic account
- POSTCreate analytic account (Multiple Analytic Plans)
- GETGet analytic account
- PATCHUpdate analytic account
- GETGet analytic account (Multiple Analytic Plans)
- PATCHUpdate analytic account (Multiple Analytic Plans)
- GETGet analytic accounts (Multiple Analytic Plans)
- GETGet journal entries
- POSTCreate Journal Entry [Deprecated]
- GETGet journal entries (Multiple Analytic Plans)
- GETGet one journal entry
- POSTCreate Journal Entry
- GETGet payments by invoice ID
- GETGet journals
- GETGet vat codes
- GETGet miscellaneous operations
- POSTCreate miscellaneous operation
- GETGet one miscellaneous operation
- POSTMatch entries
- POSTMatch multipe entries
- POSTAttach a document (PDF)
- GETGet chart of accounts
- POSTGet the balance of accounts
- GETGet employees
- POSTCreate a financial entry [Deprecated]
- POSTCreate a financial entry
- GETGet clients/suppliers outstanding items
- GETGet attachments
Point of Sale
- GETGet all customers
- GETGet one specific customer
- GETGet all products
- GETGet one specific product
- GETGet one specific product variant
- POSTUpdate available quantity
- GETGet all locations
- GETGet all orders
- POSTCreate an order
- GETGet one specific order
- GETGet all payment methods
- GETGet all product categories
- GETGet all tax rates
- GETGet all countries
- GETRetrieve all invoices
- POSTCreate an invoice
- GETRetrieve one invoice
- GETRetrieve all taxes
- GETRetrieve one tax
- GETRetrieve all products
- POSTCreate a product
- GETRetrieve one product
- GETRetrieve all opportunities
- GETRetrieve one opportunity
- GETRetrieve all contacts
- POSTCreate a contact
- GETRetrieve one contact
- GETRetrieve all payments
- GETRetrieve all payment methods
Retrieve all invoices
Returns a list of invoices. Optionally invoice type and dates can be defined to retrieve invoices of a certain type from a certain date to another date
This access token needs to be included in each of your request to the Chift API.
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
Filter based on the type of the invoice.
, customer_refund
, supplier_invoice
, supplier_refund
, all
Filter paid/unpaid invoices
, unpaid
, paid
x > 1
1 < x < 100
Currency matching target sofware name
Technical id in Chift
Invoicing date
Invoice type
, customer_refund
, supplier_invoice
, supplier_refund
, draft
, posted
, paid
Taxes amount
Total amount incl. taxes
Untaxed amount
Accounting date
Indicates the exchange rate at the date of the invoice.
Customer note/memo
Due date
Specificities for Italy
Payment reporting (specific to Italy)
Payment conditions
, TP02
, TP03
Payment method
, MP02
, MP03
, MP04
, MP05
, MP06
, MP07
, MP08
, MP09
, MP10
, MP11
, MP12
, MP13
, MP14
, MP15
, MP16
, MP17
, MP18
, MP19
, MP20
, MP21
, MP22
, MP23
Documentary stamp tax (specific to Italy)
Welfare fund (specific to Italy)
, TC02
, TC03
, TC04
, TC05
, TC06
, TC07
, TC08
, TC09
, TC10
, TC11
, TC12
, TC13
, TC14
, TC15
, TC16
, TC17
, TC18
, TC19
, TC20
, TC21
, TC22
Withholding tax (specific to Italy)
Payment reason
, U
, R
, Q
, H
, V
, V2
, I
, J
, K
, P
, S
, T
, W
, X
, Y
, B
, C
, D
, E
, F
, G
, L
, L1
, M
, M1
, M2
, IN
, O
, O1
, V1
, RT02
, RT03
, RT04
, RT05
, RT06
Invoice lines
Line total taxes amount
Line total amount incl. taxes, total = tax_amount + untaxed_amount
Unit price excl. taxes
Line total untaxed amount
Number of the accounting account used (e.g. 701000)
Line description
Line discount amount excl. taxes, (unit_price * quantity) - discount_amount = untaxed_amount
Product reference
Technical id of the product in Chift
Product name
Tax exemption reason
Technical id of the tax in Chift
Tax rate (e.g. 21.0)
Unit of measure matching target sofware name
Amount left to be paid
Technical id of the vendor/customer in Chift
Payment communication
Technical id of the payment method in Chift
x > 1
x > 1
x > 0