
This document describes how you can expect chift errors and list as well the errors that you can expect from our different APIs.

Chift Error

A chift error is always composed of the following elements:

  • status: “error”
  • message: “message explaining the error”
  • error_code: “unique error code to describe the error”
  • detail: “additional details explaining the error” (optional)

The errors are always returned with an HTTP error code (4XX, 5XX). Note that the combination of the message and the error_code is not always unique.

Example of an error message:

    "message": "The resource GET - /order is not supported by Cashpad",
    "status": "error",

Specific errors

Even if it’s the goal to only use generic errors whenever possible, there are use case where the raised errors are specific to the connectors. In such case, those errors are described in the related connector documentation.

List of errors

Error codeHTTP StatusDescriptionUsed by APIs
ERROR_CHIFT_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR401Error with the provided Chift token or combination of clientId,clientSecret en accountIdAll
ERROR_CONNECTOR_AUTHENTICATION401Error related to the authentication to the connector (wrong credentials, …)All
ERROR_NO_ACTIVE_CONNECTION400No active connection/integration for this API are configuredAll
ERROR_CONFIGURATION_CONNECTION400Error related to the configuration of the connection (e.g. more than one connection is active, …)All
ERROR_API_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND400The route that was called does not exist. Make sure that you use the routes as specified in the documentation.All
ERROR_WEBHOOK_NOT_SUPPORTED405This webhook type is not supported for this integrationAll
ERROR_UNKNOWN400An unknown error occurred during the call. Please contact Chift team.All
ERROR_INVALID_BODY422One of the input field of the body is invalidAll
ERROR_INVALID_QUERY_PARAMETER422One of the query parameters is invalidAll
ERROR_INVALID_PATH_PARAMETER422One of the path parameters is invalidAll
ERROR_INVALID_RESPONSE422The response could not be built. Our support should be contacted.All
ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_SUPPORTED405The requested resource is not supported by this connector.All
ERROR_INTEGRATION_INVALID400The specified integration is invalid or could not be foundConnections
ERROR_CONNECTION_INFO_EMPTY400A field in the connection is not filled in.All
ERROR_ORDER_NOT_FOUND404The given order could not be retrievedPOS
ERROR_CUSTOMER_NOT_FOUND404The given customer could not be retrievedPOS
ERROR_LOCATION_NOT_FOUND404The given location could not be foundPOS
ERROR_CONFIGURATION_LOCALAGENT502Impossible to connect to the specified local agent (e.g. not configured, …)All
ERROR_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT504Impossible to connect to a remote application (for local agent)All
ERROR_BACKEND_FORBIDDEN403Impossible to retrieve data due to a permission issueAll
REQUEST_ALREADY_PROCESSED409Request with same client request id was already successfully processedAll
REQUEST_IN_PROCESS409Request with same client request id is currently processedAll
ERROR_BACKEND_NOT_FOUND504Impossible to connect to the specified backend (url, host, unique identifier,… might be incorrect or the backend is down)POS
ERROR_BACKEND_FORBIDDEN403Impossible to retrieve data due to a permission issuePOS
ERROR_INVALID_PERIOD400The given period is not valid (based on date_from & date_to parameters)POS
ERROR_INVALID_HOST400The given host is not valid and the backend cannot be reachedPOS
ERROR_INVALID_VAT_FORMAT422The VAT number doesn’t seem to be correct. Please remove dots and whitespaces. The expected format is the following: BE0784930037Accounting
ERROR_INVALID_LANGUAGE_FORMAT422The language format is not correct. Please use the ISO 639-1 codes.Accounting
ERROR_INVALID_CURRENCY_FORMAT422The currency format is not correct. Please use the ISO 4217 codes.Accounting
ERROR_INVALID_COUNTRY_FORMAT422The country format is not correct. Please use the ISO 3166-1 codes.Accounting
ERROR_INVALID_FINANCIAL_PERIOD_FORMAT422The forced financial period must be 6 numbers (e.g. 02 for february and 2022 => 022022).Accounting
ERROR_NO_INVOICE_LINE400The invoice must contain at least one invoice line.Accounting
ERROR_ZERO_INVOICE400You cannot create an invoice with an untaxed amount of 0.Accounting
ERROR_ZERO_LINE400You cannot create entries/invoices with a line equal to zero.Accounting
ERROR_NO_OPERATION_LINE400The miscellaneous operation must contain at least one line.Accounting
ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION_LINE_TYPE400A line of type ‘customer_account’ or ‘supplier_account’ must have a ‘partner_id’ filled in.Accounting
ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_BALANCED400The operation is not balanced. The sum of the lines must be zero.Accounting
ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MATCHING_ENTRIES400Matching is only possible with at least 2 entries.Accounting
ERROR_ANALYTIC_ACCOUNTING_NOT_ACTIVE405Analytic accounting is not active on this connection.Accounting
ERROR_ANALYTIC_ACCOUNTING_PLAN_NOT_CONFIGURED405A default analytic plan must be configured to use this endpoint.Accounting
ERROR_ANALYTIC_ACCOUNT_ALREADY_EXISTS400An analytic account already exists with the same code in the accounting system.Accounting
ERROR_ANALYTIC_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND404The analytic account doesn’t exist in the accounting system.Accounting
ERROR_ANALYTIC_PLAN_NOT_FOUND404The analytic plan doesn’t exist in the accounting system.Accounting
ERROR_INVALID_ANALYTIC_DISTRIBUTION400There is an error with the analytic distribution. This error can come from an anlytic plan or account being more than once in the analytic distribution; from a percentage not being between 1 and 100 or from an analytic plan not having a 100% coverage.Accounting
ERROR_INVALID_ANALYTIC_DISTRIBUTION_ACCOUNTS400Each analytic plan in the analytic distribution of an invoice line must contain at least one analytic account.Accounting
ERROR_INVALID_ANALYTIC_DISTRIBUTION_ACCOUNTS_PERCENTAGE400Analytic accounts of each analytic plan in the analytic distribution of an invoice line must cover 100% of the amount of the invoice line.Accounting
ERROR_INVOICE_AMOUNTS_DO_NOT_MATCH400The amounts of the invoice are not correct.Accounting
ERROR_LINE_AMOUNTS_DO_NOT_MATCH400The amounts in one invoice line are not correct.Accounting
ERROR_TAX_RATE_NOT_CORRESPONDING400The tax rate doesn’t match the tax rate linked to the tax code in the accounting system.Accounting
ERROR_MULTIPLE_GL_ACCOUNTS400The entries have different receivable/payable accounts.Accounting
ERROR_MULTIPLE_PARTNER_ACCOUNTS400A sale/purchase entry cannot be linked to multiple partner accounts.Accounting
ERROR_ACCOUNT_NUMBER_NOT_CONFIGURED400The account number is not configured to be used in entries. It cannot be imputed.Accounting
ERROR_ENTRY_HAS_INVALID_STATUS400The entry doesn’t have the correct status to be matched.Accounting
ERROR_ENTRY_HAS_NO_ACCOUNT_RECEIVABLE_PAYABLE400The entry doesn’t have a receivable/payable account.Accounting
ERROR_ENTRY_NOT_LINKED_TO_PARTNER400The entry is not linked to partner mentionnend in the matching body.Accounting
ERROR_ENTRY_ALREADY_RECONCILED400The entry is already reconciled in the accounting system.Accounting
ERROR_ENTRY_ALREADY_PARTIALLY_MATCHED400An entry is already partially matched with another entry in the accounting system.Accounting
ERROR_JOURNAL_NOT_GOOD_SCOPE400The journal cannot be used for this scope.Accounting
ERROR_JOURNAL_NOT_CONFIGURED400The journal is not configured for a used functionnality.Accounting
ERROR_TAX_CODE_NOT_GOOD_SCOPE400The tax code cannot be used for this type of invoices.Accounting
ERROR_MULTIPLE_JOURNALS404Multiple journals were found. Please indicate the wanted journal in the request.Accounting
ERROR_JOURNAL_NOT_FOUND_FOR_SCOPE404Please indicate the wanted journal in the request. No journal has been found for this scope.Accounting
ERROR_INVOICE_NUMBER_ALREADY_USED400The invoice number is already used in the accounting system.Accounting
ERROR_PDF_NOT_APPLICABLE_TO_DRAFT_INVOICE400You cannot upload a PDF when creating a draft invoice.Accounting
ERROR_TAX_CODE_NOT_FOUND404The tax code doesn’t exist in the accounting system.Accounting
ERROR_TAX_CODE_NOT_CONFIGURED400The tax code is not configured to be used with this type of invoice.Accounting
ERROR_ACCOUNT_NUMBER_NOT_FOUND404The account number doesn’t exist in the accounting system.Accounting
ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_FOUND404The operation doesn’t exist in the accounting system.Accounting
ERROR_OPERATION_NUMBER_ALREADY_USED400The operation number is already used in the accounting system.Accounting
ERROR_WRONG_ACCOUNT_TYPE400The account cannot be used for this type of line of a miscellaneous operation.Accounting
ERROR_BOOKYEAR_NOT_FOUND400The accounting system is not set up for this date.Accounting
ERROR_PERIOD_CLOSED400The accounting period is closed in the accounting system.Accounting
ERROR_JOURNAL_LOCKED400The journal is locked in the accounting system.Accounting
ERROR_INVALID_FIELD_FORMAT_BANK_ACCOUNT422The bank account/iban is not valid.Accounting
ERROR_INVALID_FIELD_FORMAT_ANALYTIC_ACCOUNT422The code of the analytic account doesn’t follow the format of the corresponding accounting system.Accounting
ERROR_INVALID_FIELD_FORMAT_ANALYTIC_PLAN422The format of the field ‘analytic_plan’ doesn’t follow the format of the corresponding accounting system.Accounting
ERROR_INVALID_FIELD_FORMAT_JOURNAL_ID422The format of the field ‘journal_id’ doesn’t follow the format of the corresponding accounting system.Accounting
ERROR_INVALID_FIELD_FORMAT_TAX_CODE422The format of the field ‘tax_code’ doesn’t follow the format of the corresponding accounting system.Accounting
ERROR_INVALID_FIELD_FORMAT_ENTRIES422The format of the IDs entries doesn’t follow the format of the corresponding accounting system.Accounting
ERROR_JOURNAL_ALREADY_OPEN400The entry couldn’t be created in the accounting system. The journal is already open.
ERROR_INVALID_FIELD_FORMAT_ID422The format of the ID doesn’t follow the format of the corresponding accounting system.Accounting
ERROR_INVALID_FIELD_FORMAT_PARTNER_ID422The format of the field ‘partner_id’ doesn’t seem to be correct for the corresponding accounting system.Accounting
ERROR_INVALID_FIELD_FORMAT_COMPANY_ID422The format of the field ‘company_id’ doesn’t seem to be correct for the corresponding accounting system.Accounting
ERROR_MISSING_FIRST_NAME400The field ‘first_name’ must be filled in when the client/supplier is an individual.Accounting
ERROR_MISSING_LAST_NAME400The field ‘last_name’ must be filled in when the client/supplier is an individual.Accounting
ERROR_PARTNER_ALREADY_EXISTS400A client/supplier already exists with the same code/id in the accounting system.Accounting
ERROR_JOURNAL_NOT_FOUND404The journal doesn’t exist in the accounting system.Accounting
ERROR_PARTNER_NOT_FOUND404The client/supplier doesn’t exist in the accounting system.Accounting
ERROR_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND404The entry doesn’t exist in the accounting system.Accounting
ERROR_DUPLICATE_ENTRIES400Entries cannot contain duplicates.Accounting
ERROR_INVOICE_NOT_FOUND404The invoice doesn’t exist in the accounting system.Accounting
ERROR_MISCELLANEOUS_OPERATION_NOT_FOUND404The miscellaneous operation doesn’t exist in the accounting system.Accounting
ERROR_LANGUAGE_NOT_FOUND404The specified language doesn’t exist or is not active in the accounting system.Accounting
ERROR_CURRENCY_NOT_FOUND404The currency doesn’t exist or is not active in the accounting system.Accounting
ERROR_NEGATIVE_INVOICE400An invoice must be positive. The invoice type determines the sign of the invoice.Accounting
ERROR_ACCOUNT_NUMBER_NOT_ACTIVE400An account number used in an invoice line is not active.Accounting
ERROR_PARTNER_NOT_ACTIVE400The used client/supplier is not active.Accounting
ERROR_ACCOUNT_NUMBER_NOT_NOT_GOOD_SCOPE400The account number cannot be used in this scope.Accounting
ERROR_INVALID_INVOICE_DATE400The period containing the invoice date is already locked.Accounting
ERROR_WRONG_ENTRY_TYPE400You can only create entries in a sale or purchase journal.Accounting
ERROR_MAX_DIFFERENCE_MONTHS400You can retrieve maximum 3 months of data at once. The difference between ‘date_from’ and ‘date_to’ is at maximum 3 months.Accounting
ERROR_ATTACHMENT_ALREADY_EXISTS400An attachment already exists for this invoice.Accounting
ERROR_INVALID_BASE64_STRING400The document is not a valid base64 string representing a PDF.Accounting
ERROR_INVALID_DUE_DATE422The due date must be after the invoice date.Accounting
ERROR_CHAREGE_PRODUCT_ACCOUNT_MISSING422Please provide at least one charge/product account.Accounting
ERROR_COLLECTIVE_ACCOUNT_MISSING422Please provide a client/supplier collective account.Accounting
ERROR_PARTNER_ACCOUNT_MISSING422Please provide a client/supplier account in the partner_id field.Accounting
ERROR_ANALYTIC_ACCOUNT_ARCHIVED400The analytic account is archived.Accounting
ERROR_INVALID_FIELD_FORMAT_INVOICE_NUMBER422The format of the invoice number doesn’t follow the format of the corresponding accounting system (e.g. too long)Accounting
ERROR_INVALID_FIELD_FORMAT_OPERATION_NUMBER422The format of the operation number doesn’t follow the format of the corresponding accounting system (e.g. too long)Accounting
ERROR_INVALID_FIELD_FORMAT_NUMBER422The format of the number doesn’t follow the format of the corresponding accounting system (e.g. too long)Accounting
ERROR_ANALYTIC_ACCOUNT_NUMBER_PLAN_NOT_ACTIVE400The account number cannot be used (is not configured) with an analytic account of the specified analytic planAccounting
ERROR_CUSTOMER_NOT_FOUND404The customer doesn’t exist.eCommerce
ERROR_PRODUCT_NOT_FOUND404The product doesn’t exist.eCommerce
ERROR_VARIANT_NOT_FOUND404The variant doesn’t exist.eCommerce
ERROR_LOCATION_NOT_FOUND404The location doesn’t exist.eCommerce
ERROR_ORDER_NOT_FOUND404The order doesn’t exist.eCommerce
ERROR_SHOPIFY_CUSTOMER_DATA_ACCESS403The Shopify app is not configured to have access to customer data. See Shopify documentation.eCommerce
ERROR_PHONE_INVALID422The phone number doesnt seem to be valid. The number must begin with the country code.eCommerce
ERROR_PHONE_ALREADY_USED422The phone number is already used by another client.eCommerce
ERROR_INVALID_FIELD_FORMAT422The date format of the query parameter ‘Date From’ or ‘Date To’ is not valid. The expected format is the following: YYYY-MM-DD.eCommerce
ERROR_NO_ORDER_LINE400New orders must have at least one line.eCommerce
ERROR_INVALID_CURRENCY_FORMAT422The currency format is not correct. Please use the ISO 4217 codes.eCommerce
ERROR_INVALID_COUNTRY_FORMAT422The country format is not correct. Please use the ISO 3166-1 codes.eCommerce
ERROR_OPPORTUNITY_NOT_FOUND404The opportunity doesn’t exist.Invoicing
ERROR_PRODUCT_NOT_FOUND404The product doesn’t exist.Invoicing
ERROR_TAX_NOT_FOUND404The tax doesn’t exist.Invoicing
ERROR_INVOICE_NOT_FOUND404The invoice doesn’t exist.Invoicing
ERROR_OPPORTUNITY_NOT_CREATED400The opportunity was not created.Invoicing
ERROR_PRODUCT_NOT_CREATED400The product was not created.Invoicing
ERROR_TAX_NOT_CREATED400The tax was not created.Invoicing
ERROR_INVOICE_NOT_CREATED400The invoice was not created.Invoicing